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Company identification  and activity

This site is an official communication medium of SYPRIUM, company  by shares   simplified single shareholder (SASU), with a share capital of € 1,000, registered in the  Registry of the Commercial Court of  EVRY under N ° 847 808 946, and whose head office is located  :

Address  : 2 Route de la noue 91190 Gif-Sur-Yvette

Telephone  :

E-mail  :

Number Siret :  84780894600010
Intra-community VAT number:

APE code:  9609Z

The director of the publication of the site is Stéphane Fassetta, as director.



Notice relating to the use of personal data (RGPD)

Syprium undertakes, in accordance with Law No. 2018-493 of June 20, 2018, relating to the protection of personal data,  to take all precautions in accordance with customary practice in order to protect the confidentiality of the information to which it has access, and in particular to prevent it from being communicated to persons not expressly authorized to receive this information. You have the right to access, rectify, port and delete your data, or limit the processing thereof. You also have the right to object to the processing of data concerning you. You can, subject to the production of a valid proof of identity, exercise your rights by sending an email to the address  or by contacting Stéphane Fassetta directly at

The purpose of the processing for which the data is intended is to respond to requests for information from potential customers about the company's services or pricing. The recipient of this data is the company manager. Anyone who legitimately wishes to exercise their full right to lodge a complaint (complaint) can do so with the CNIL.

Design & hosting

Designer / Graphic designer: Gil Michieli

Photo credit  Shutterstock

ISP / Host: Inc.
Address :
  500 Terry A Francois Blvd San Francisco, CA 94158
Telephone :
  +1 415-639-9034

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