You are a federation or a club
You may be one of the sports structures that have invested in physical preparation, and consider increasing your performance through mental preparation.
The leaders of federation assume strong responsibilities within their structure
strategic, financial, legal, and social (state approval, public interest, etc.). Like business leaders, the coaching is a way not to move forward alone and to benefit from benevolent feedback in terms of reflection, behavior and communication.
Members of the technical staff
Coaches, coaches, physical trainers, are faced with very different individuals, both in their state of mind and in their behavior in a group, and are often " challenges »To positively support the athletes or the group. the coaching implemented will allow a better knowledge of oneself and of the members of the group, in order to streamline relationships, resolve conflicts, or find a posture suited to the objectives set by the structure
The career of an athlete is a beautiful story that often begins very early, and is fraught with many pitfalls. :
Youth : maturity level, relationship with technical staff or parents, conflicts, school time, ...
Top-level athletes in the performance phase : relationship with the staff or other athletes, personal values, demotivation, life balance, ...
Mental preparation , in association with all the other actors (technical, medical, psychological staff) makes it possible to support the athlete
Top--level athletes in the pre-conversion : professional project, future relationship with the federation, ...
Professional coaching will be very useful in order to cross the bridge that exists with the business world (transfer of skills acquired in the world of competitive sport, etc.)